Today marked my third spin class ever. Wow. I can honestly say that I hadn’t really “SPUN” until TODAY. Lynn, the five-foot dynamo leading the class, my first time with her, had us spinning at 8 a.m. sharp and didn’t stop until 9 a.m., 60 grueling minutes like none I have ever experienced. Sweat poured profusely down my face, legs, and arms. I had to keep wiping myself with my washcloth (note to self: bring a bath towel next time). I usually don’t even bring a towel when I exercise ‘cause I don’t sweat that much; I just get a super RED face. I’m talking a highly unflattering TOMATO red. But back to our little spin dynamo. Lynn is amazing! She encouraged, challenged, explained, inspired, and cheered us through the burning in our quads as we spun on our simulated bike rides cross country and up hills–lots and lots of hills. The simple words “You can do it” took on new meaning coming from her mouth. I pushed myself like never before in an exercise class, and thanks to Lynn I made it through.
During the final moving song of the class–something appropriately with Blue Skies in the title–Lynn waxed poetic about all the amazing athletes in this summer’s Olympics. She rejoiced that more women will compete in this summer’s Olympics than any other year in history, and she celebrated not only how incredibly hard all the athletes had worked but also how proud she was of all of us. I just about cried. I was the only one who applauded at the end of class; she deserved nothing less.
Two out of our three children will return to school next week, our oldest having graduated college in June. Each August I feel nostalgic at the start of the school year. We never forget the joy and anticipation of that first day. More importantly, we never forget all the teachers who encouraged, challenged, explained, inspired and cheered us through the ups and downs of school. So as summer comes to a close, I want to thank and honor all those who teach and who have made a difference in our lives. I’m applauding you now; you deserve nothing less.
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